
API for management of config files, with better compile-time friendliness for Java-only builds.

Configs can de/serialized from File, string, or raw TomlElement. File read is performed with validation and correction.






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Provides an instance of the EventApi for registering to config events

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Whether a config corresponding to the provided scope is registered

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Provides an instance of the NetworkApi for usage of the built-in cross-loader networking API

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fun openScreen(scope: String)

Opens a config GUI. Does nothing on the server (But is not marked with @Environment, allowing for safe inclusion anywhere in code)

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Provides an instance of the PlatformApi for usage of the built-in cross-loader utilities

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fun <T : Config> registerAndLoadConfig(configClass: Supplier<T>, registerType: RegisterType = RegisterType.BOTH): T

Creates and registers a Config. Use this over registerConfig and readOrCreateAndValidate if possible.

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fun <T : Config> registerConfig(config: T, configClass: Supplier<T>, registerType: RegisterType = RegisterType.BOTH): T

Registers a Config to registries. Does NOT load or validate it from file. Use this if you have custom initialization to perform, otherwise use registerAndLoadConfig for full initialization functionality.

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Provides an instance of the ResultApiJava for creation of ResultProvider to indirectly refer to configs via scope strings